This post was inspired by Mama Kat’s writing prompt 1.) A blog post inspired by the word: modest.
I usually enjoy a good challenge, but I may have met my match. Could I have made it more difficult if I tried? Am I modest? What do I think of modesty in general? Gah!
my opinion of modesty
For the most part, I find modesty utter crap. I immediately envision someone meek and submissive. These are definitely not traits I identify with easily.
It is not the least bit endearing to be all “awwwh shucks” about yourself or your accomplishments. Your life is what you make of it. Own it! If you did something awesome; all the better.
Self-effacement is similar to self-destruction. When I give compliments, they are genuine. It is OK to gracefully accept praise and move on. Modesty is not necessary.
modest as a mermaid
Are mermaids immodest? I have absolutely no issues about parading around in a tail. My body is far from perfect. If I waited to be an ideal size or weight, I would miss out on all the fun.
The first time wearing a bikini top with my tail, I admittedly was anxious what others were thinking. I fought with the idea of covering my tummy until coming to the conclusion that it didn’t matter.
If I was to wear a tail in the first place, I needed to own it completely and unabashedly. The reality was, no one was staring at my stomach. When I believed in mermaid magic, the rest fell into place.
modest miss mimi cupcakes?
Seriously? How could I perform burlesque if I were modest? Shyness must be checked at the door before a show.
I am not a trained dancer. I am not the least bit graceful (is that a modest statement?) When the music starts, I transform into character and nothing else matters.
I don’t dance for anyone’s benefit but my own. It makes me happy and that is all that matters. This is not immodesty so much as a way to feed my soul. The connection felt is unsurpassed.
unpretentiously modesty
I may not be modest in many ways, but I am unpretentious. I am not better than anyone else. I am remarkable in my own right and so are you.
Do you know what makes you unique and special? Don’t be modest! Are you aware of your talents or gifts or do you shy away from them? Share your thoughts about modesty.
By the way, this was an excruciatingly difficult post for me to create. Not sure why.