I love getting my hair done. No one makes it as smooth and pretty as my good friend and stylist Debbie. Fortunately, a blow out lasts anywhere from 2-4 days before I have to fix it on my own.
With naturally wavy/sometimes curly hair, controlling frizz is challenging. Living in Reno for thirty-something years, I learned to deal with attempting to styling it in dry weather. When the do becomes uncooperative, it goes in a ponytail to be managed(?) later when I’m in the mood.
Texas hates my hair
Did I mention I live in Reno, NV where there is almost no humidity? True my skin is dry and I go through body lotion like it’s going out of style. Nose bleeds are also common from the dryness and altitude. But for the most part, my hair behaves.
Enter a two week trip to Austin Texas. I was so excited for the opportunity to work with some of the best training managers in the company. However, I shuddered when considering how Texas would treat my hair.
Anytime I near humidity, my hair turns into a screaming hot mess of frizz. I don’t know how people live there without putting buckets over their heads, but clearly I am missing something.
With every hair taming product I own, I hopped on a plane to Austin. Please don’t frizz. Please don’t frizz…became my mantra. Not that hair can listen, but you never know. The power of positive thinking might be handy.
just kidding
Positive thinking or no, the moment I stepped off the plane, my hair was in chaos. One day, I flat-ironed it only to find it frizzing and curling underneath as I sweat throughout the day.
Geez! Could I get a reprieve? Hair up = frizz, hair down = frizz, half up half down = frizzy friz frizzzzz. There was no escaping a bad hair destiny.
After the third day, I decided to forget it and just let it curl as it wished. I was not master of my hair so why continue fighting? I discovered the wave could be pretty if I didn’t mess with it.
Hmmm…What a novel idea. Let it be what it is and run with it. Realizing this post is an inane ode to my hair, there is a deeper spiritual connection I grasped as well.
letting go
Call me a control freak, but I like being in charge. This whole spiritual journey adventure has me practicing learning to accept things. I can’t manage everything/everyone and it is OK.
It is more about the experience or journey than the results that matter most. No one really cared if I couldn’t contain the beast that was my hair.
By the end of the first week, I established in order to feel good about the frizz, I had to let it go. Either I acclimated to the humid weather in Texas or didn’t care anymore. Whatever the reason, I was more accepting.
back in the desert
I returned to Reno last night (crazy hair and all). First thing this morning, I met Debbie for a cut and color. We both laughed at the frizzy mop on my head and she went to work fixing it.
For the next few days I can expect smooth perfect hair again. Too bad I can’t take Debbie with me everywhere to ensure the do doesn’t morph into a don’t.
Does weather make your hair misbehave or are you better at controlling it? Share your best/worst hair stories.